Saturday, September 27, 2008

A new decision for us...

Well, it is official, sort of. Karen and I have decided to pursue a domestic adoption in conjunction with our International adoption through China. You may ask, "how did this come about?" It was really simple...first since we have started the China adoption people seem to always ask us if we considered domestic adoption first. Well, the answer to that is always, "Yes we did". Because we did discuss it and prior to the pursuit of adopting from China. As an explanation to our reasons, here we go...

Karen and I are both older than what some birth mothers are at the stage in the game in reference to their child. Statistically we would not be considered by them, for whatever reason they would look to someone closer to their own age. Not realizing that we as more mature adults are already established in our career, financial stability, and mindset, among other things also. We also did not feel that we would want to go through the emotional roller coaster of possibly being selected and then the birth mothers changing their mind midway in the process of us adopting their child/children. With International Adoption, in particular China, we go through the paperwork, then wait with no birth mother to decide against us or changing their mind. They have already made up their mind by abandoning their child in some cases or being forced by their husbands to adandon in other cases. For whatever reason they have given up their child and now that child, mostly little girls, are in the government's care in Social Welfare Institutes (SWI's). The China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) assigns a SWI official to find a child for us and we either accept their choice or reject the choice for us. Either way, no emotional rollercoaster for whether or not we will get a child. Almost a guarantee, sort of.

Now for the way it came about...

Karen received an e-mail from the health room worker at her school telling her about a little girl (I will call her "M")and her brother that are living in a Children's Home here in town. Since M goes to the school where Karen works, she talked to M's teacher. Karen was given a picture of M and brought it home to show me. She is an adorable little girl, btw. After we discussed it, Karen was later talking to her mom and based on her mom's excitement, got excited and enthused by that as the Lord's sign that we need to pursue this.

So you may ask, What happens to Robin and our adoption of her? We are still going through with that. Nothing has changed except that now Robin will have an older sister and brother to come home to also. AWAA has a policy of allowing concurrent adoptions and that is what we will do. I will check into it as soon as I am home from work. To see how this pans out, keep checking back periodically to see the latest. I will post more often than I do now to keep anyone following this updated...later.

God's Blessings to all,

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