Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not so good news, but still thankful to God for all that we have...

As the title of today's post says it all...we were not meant to be parents...yet. :-)

Seriously, I did find out that there were actually three children in that sibling group with "M". One was in the process of being adopted already by a family friend, and the older two..."M" and her brother had a family member come forward that wanted to adopt them. So, all is well in the world for them. I am happy that they have family and will more than likely be able to see their birth mom more this way. Karen and I are a little disappointed, but realize that all in all it wasn't God's plan for us.

Saturday (yesterday) we had a home visit with our social worker for a homestudy update for us to renew our I-171H. The I-171H is a document that allows us to bring a child into the U.S. from another country as our own and instantly grants her citizenship just because we adopted her. How cool is that? So, just because Karen and I are naturally born citizens, we can get the approval to bring a child in from another country through adoption and she is automatically a citizen. I Love the USA.

On another aspect of life...Karen and I are asking for prayers for her dad. He has been coughing up blood the last three months and has an appointment this Tuesday, 10/14/2008 for outpatient surgery to have a test run. Then Wednesday, 10/15/2008 for a CAT Scan. We ask that you pray that the Lord watch over him and that if it is His will that things turn out OK. That it turns out to be something that is treatable. It pains us both of what this could be and want him so badly to see Robin when we bring her home. Keep us in your prayers also that this wait actually starts to come down. It is now up to approx. 32 months and we have actually waited 18 months so far. I could do the math as to how long it actually will be, but it could also change for the better. So not something to dwell on anyway.

Well, I need to end this for today, check back again soon. Maybe I will post again sooner, now that we now have a link from our website about our journey to Robin. More people to look at it and see what I have to say. Hmm, kind of scary that someone might actually be reading what I am thinking...

God Bless us all,
Bob :-)

1 comment:

Karen said...

I thought I should be the FIRST person to comment on your blog! Besides, I felt a little sorry for you since you haven't had any visitors! I enjoy reading your thoughts and feel so blessed to be sharing this journey with you. I can't wait to stand by your side as we meet our daughter for the first time in China! You're going to make a wonderful daddy!
