Monday, September 1, 2008

Life and all its fragility...

Hmm, ever wonder why bad things happen in this world of ours? Sometimes I go off on a tangent about "what the heck is going on here?" But then I stop and think about why God lets bad things happen to good people, or even children. I can only come to one tells us that we as humans have free will. He gave it to us. There are so many examples in the Bible that show us this. Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit from the tree, the story of Jonas and the whale, and so many others. We are guided by what the Bible tells us how to live our lives, but we also have the ultimate decision to not live that way. Funny thing is, or not so funny is that we will pay the much as we may or may not realize that. So many times we as humans do not always do the will of God, but we do what we want to do. Why? Again it goes back to free will. That is our choice, and yes we do bad, we will pay the consequences, we do good we also reap rewards. Oh, don't get me wrong I believe that there is only one way to go to heaven...through believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I also believe that as a Christian we can do bad things, and still have to pay the consequences of not enjoying as many rewards as our fellow Christians that have lived their lives in faith and done as God wants us to live. So when we see bad things happening to good people and even children, we can only say that those that are doing the bad will pay the ultimate consequences in the end. You, the one reading this may be wondering, "what prompted this blog today?" My answer, all the stupid coverage on CNN's Nancy Grace of Caylee Anthony's disappearance. I sit in the break room at work every night and the TV has CNN's Headline News so I don't have a choice in the matter but to see that junk on TV. I have since started sitting with my back to the TV and reading from the Bible during my lunch break as a side note. So, yes I have had to endure that junk, but that is what prompted me to say this on my blog. There are bad people in this world. Why? Because they either don't believe and their free will has an effect on those of us that believe or some innocent lives that haven't had a chance to receive His word. Well, it's getting late and I need to go, so there you have it, in a nutshell and in my humble opinion. Take it for what it's worth.

God's Blessings to all!!

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