Monday, July 6, 2009

My wife Karen

It has been a while since I last you haven't noticed right? I will try to post more often but don't count on it. Just keep checking back every so often, and I will surprise you with one...

Marriage...what is it to me? It is the devotion to my wonderful wife, Karen. She is everything to me, of course, second only to the Lord. I do fail at many times to be the loving husband that I should be and occasionally rant about something stupid to her.

But, through it all, I do love her dearly. Why am I rambling about this...I don't know. It is just something that I feel I want to say. I just feel that it is important to me. I want everyone who reads this (even if it is only one or two of you out there) to know that.

I think that every marriage should be like this. I know some say otherwise, but I really feel that the devotion to your spouse is important for a lasting relationship. I am coming up on 21 years on the 9th, and am very happy in my marriage.

Karen may say otherwise with the way I have been acting the last few months. But I am happy...I just get other thoughts and aggravations in my mind and ended up being a total butthead toward her, since she is the closest to me.

I do have to add, that I don't like myself when I do this. So far, she has been a great wife and I wish that I can do more to show her that I really do love and appreciate everything that she is to me. She is my friend, we do so much together...laugh, cry, talk all the time, walk our dogs, and the one thing I attempt to LOL!! (Karen can appreciate the humor in that). I don't understand some things though, but that is the fun of our marriage. I get to learn new things about her even after being married as long as we have. One example, she told me about a year ago (or sooner-I can't remember exactly) that one of her favorite foods is pizza. Duh, why didn't I figure that one out? We were ordering pizza almost every other week at her prompting. That was definitely a brain fart on my What else can I say about her...I can say that I am amazed at her brilliance and creativity. She thinks of the most creative gifts to those around her. This goes for family, friends, and even co-workers. She is very introspective and does a whole lot of thinking. She takes friendship very seriously, and won't just call anyone a friend upon first meeting them. But, one guarantee is that once she decides to be your friend, it is a true and lasting friendship. I know I could go on and on about her, there is so much to be said about the love of my life, but time is a factor and I have a great deal to do. The grass isn't going to get cut with me sitting here typing...LOL. Besides, I want Karen to be able to get out there to do her sunning that she hasn't had time for this year yet. :-)
Anyway, can you tell that I love her?

God Bless Us All,


1 comment:

Karen said...

That's so SWEET! I guess you do love me just a little! :-)