Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year in Review

Well, another year over...

There have been some good and some bad for us this year. Anyone that has been reading this the last few months would know this. It does seem that it is mostly bad. But no matter what, the Lord has been with us through it all and as we all know "what does not kill me will only make me stronger". I think a recap of the year for my own good is needed, especially since I didn't start blogging until midway through the year. So here goes...

Back in April, I put in a bid for two different supervisor positions, didn't get either one. I also did my reserve two weeks during this time.

June, Dominique (our 11-year old Dalmatian) spent a week in a veterinary emergency hospital to recover from HGE (sorry not going to go into what it is, you can look it up on or just Google it). That same week Karen and I lost Molly (our 16-year old Lab/Chow mix) we believe her heart just gave out and she just didn't have the strength to hold herself up any longer either.

Hmm, July, a happy month...First of all, this month was our 20th Wedding Anniversary. Hurray for us!!!! I for one do not know how she puts up with me. I give her a lot of credit for that and Love her dearly for it, too!!! Second, Molly left an empty spot in our hearts and home with her passing. Whether you believe it or not, Dominique was also acting mopey lately, too. We decided to go to the SPCA to pick out another dog. We welcomed Nellie, supposedly a Lab/Beagle mix, into our home. She is the sweetest dog I have ever had. As a quick side note, Dominique occasionally would be grouchy and nip and snarl at her and Nellie just takes it all in and continues acting "happy go lucky" as if nothing happened. We definitely got a sweet one with her.
August, I changed shifts to try to work with Pierce (the guy that got one of the supervisor jobs) to improve my versatility in the plant. I have sort of been pigeon-holed on one machine and didn't have much experience with other areas. I hope to changing that soon.

October brought us to Raleigh, N.C to visit spend time with friends in our travel group with this adoption. As you have seen from my post on October 27th that we all had a good time. My dad's wife, Sheila, had heart surgery and pulled through and we are very thankful of her recovery.

November, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my mother and father-in-laws' house, here in Sumter, S.C. Karen's aunt and uncle from Tennessee came down and were here also. It was good to see them again.

December was not a good month for us. We were dealing with Karen's dad's passing and trying to get through Christmas together. It was good to be with family and I think I can speak for everyone in saying we missed Mr. Billy. He didn't say too much very often, but we definitely missed his quiet presence. It wasn't the same without him.

Mr. Billy, you are missed by us all!!!

Well, that was a very brief synopsis of my 2008. I am hoping and praying for a blessed 2009. I want to wish you (if there is anyone reading this) a blessed New Year too!!!

Have a Happy New Year in 2009!!!

God Bless us all,


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sad, sad news

As I sit in my living room with Karen (the love of my life), I think back on the past day and a half. First, to let you know, my father-in-law (Mr Billy) passed away yesterday about midday,. It broke my heart to think that Karen was home alone dealing with this, while I was performing reserve duty with the Air Force. I rushed to leave Charleston AFB, to make the 1-1/2 hour drive home. I was delayed (my truck broke down) and had to rely on my sister-in-law's husband Frank to get me home. He was in Charleston at the Medical University of South Carolina with Mr. Billy, and was there with him when he passed. After gathering his and some of Mr. Billy's things he made his way to me, which was only about 20 miles up the road from where I-26 West started in Charleston. We had some good conversation while on the way home and neither of us know if Mr. Billy knew that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior for sure or not. We can only hope he did. Anyway, to finish my brief synopsis, I did make it home and Karen and I are up and down emotionally. So, moving on to the purpose of today's blog -I want to make this a memorial to "Mr. Billy" or "Cecil" however anyone knew him.

When I first met him, I wasn't so sure of what he thought of me. He quietly sat in his chair and pretty much kept things to himself. He did everything he could to be sure that his family was provided for and did an awesome job of that. He believed that the government was taking too much of his money and giving it away in handouts, which at the time I agreed, and still do. He had been an aircraft engine mechanic in the Air Force, and retired as a Master Sergeant in 1974. At the time I met him he was about to start working for a company in Columbia, SC at Columbia Metropolitan Airport. He had his A&P license and knew his stuff like the back of his hand. He was very principalled in his work ethic and worked aggressively to ensure his family had what they needed. He eventually quit working at Eagle Aviation to work for Lockheed Aeromod in Greenville, SC where I ended up following about 4 or so years later. Unfortunately, I was laid off, while he still kept his position there. He eventually retired, roughly about 4 years ago. He spent much of his time after retirement watching Fox News, working in his yard, giving attention to his Beagle (Sissy), and having a 20' X 30' workshop built in his backyard. In the last few months his heart and lungs had a few problems, but they were doing good this week, except for a cough that none of us liked very much.

Karen and De De (her sister) had just been there on Friday, brought their mom home to get more clothes for him and run a few errands here in Sumter. De De was planning to take her mom back to be with him again the today. Unfortunately, those plans were interrupted by his passing yesterday. His condition was stable when they left to come home and he passed rather unexpectantly.

As I came to know Mr. Billy, I started to enjoy some of the advice he gave about cars, and I enjoyed helping him with computer problems, and our occasional debates back when President Clinton was in office were quite lively. If fact there was one time it got so heated that Karen and Ma (Karen's mom) were coming in from outside and Karen asked Ma if we were arguing. Of course we weren't, just enjoying a good debate. He was for Clinton and gotta know I wasn't...LOL!! He had some strong opinions and they became even stronger in the last few years. He also had a softer side when it came to animals, especially pets of ours. Then when we told him about our adoption, he showed so much interest in it. I don't think he ever let a moment go by whenever he saw Karen to comment or ask about the wait. I still hear him saying, "Heard anything about Robin yet?" He helped us with so much to prepare her room including cleaning out the closet and moving all the stuff to the garage for us. Oh, and I can't forget that he painted the closet walls to match the rest of the room. In fact there is a spatter spot in our kitchen. Karen and I complained about (not to him, though) it, and I think we will both see and rather appreciate it now as a reminder of the memory. It is amazing how petty the things that we thought mattered before, but really do not matter after all.

So, for two final thoughts: The first is about MUSC, I cannot speak more highly of the doctors and nurses at MUSC. From what Frank tells me, they were very professional, and compassionate and we all appreciate what they have done for Mr. Billy.

The final thought is for Frank. He helped Ma provide Mr. Billy the best care while in Charleston this past week. Then after his passing, Frank seemed to be as solid as a rock for everyone. He got the ball rolling for the final arrangements. So, if there is anyone that shows the way to be a true Christian with respect to service to his fellow mankind, Frank has done more to provide an example of that. I cannot speak more highly of all that he has done to help us all. His devotion to this family has been great. We all thank him for making things easier and we are all glad he is a part of this family.

I say farewell to Mr. Billy, and salute him as enlisted members in the military do toward their officers as a sign of respect. Not, for any position he held as the enlisted members do so often, but for the person he was to me and the rest of the family. We all loved him so much!!

God Bless You All,
