Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is wrong with this picture?

Who else is bothered by this? I don't understand why a pastor of a church would do this...Is it not bad enough that some individuals in society would do this?

Hmm, this gives me a chance to give my take on it. Before I start, I do not mean to offend, but remember...this IS my blog. So, here I go...

I am bothered by this. Christmas is what it is, you cannot take Christ out of Christmas. It is His birth that we are remembering and celebrating. I for one am very happy that He is my Lord and Savior. He was born so that He could die for our sins, so that we all can have eternal life in heaven. That is the one and only reason for the season!! We would not have Christmas at all if it was not for His birth.

There are many out there in society that use the "X" in place of "Christ". Is it a shorter version or just a way of "Xing" Him out of the picture? In some cases it is just used as a shorter version, but the problem with that is that it literally takes the word "Christ" from the word all together. In others it is purposely used to remove Him from the word. Those that use it that way have an agenda of their own. I will not get into that. The only thing I want to say is for heaven's sake, if you are going to use "Merry Christmas" do not take Christ out of Christmas. Use the more politically correct version of "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings". I personally do not like them either and will not use them, but can tolerate it more than Merry Christmas with an "X"in it.

Oh and one more thing...why did a church of all things have to do it, others in the world are bad enough. But a pastor of a church should know better...what a shame.

Oh well, I am done now...not much more I can say about this, it just saddens me to see it.

Merry Christmas and may God Bless Us All in the New Year,