Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics Opening Ceremony, wow, what else needs to be said...

China has definitely outdone themselves with the technological show that they put on. Again, wow is all I can say here. Yes, I ended up watching the opening ceremonies with my lovely wife of 20 years. It is amazing that the two of us will be there hopefully within the next two years. The ceremony seemed to me to pass through China's history to some extent and ended with their hopes and goals of wanting to be on the moon by 2024. It was a very impressive ceremony to say the least. I am still in awe of the pyrotechniques involved.
Okay, I am watching the parade of nations and there is no alphabetical order for this like it usually is when other nations host the olympics. As the commentators mentioned, the order of the nations that enter is based on the number of strokes it takes to write the Chinese symbol for the name of that country. Starting with the country whose name is the least to the most. A very interesting thing to watch, and I do not know who will be next as I watch it progress. So, it went from Bahamas to Panama to Pakistan as I am currently watching it now. I also noticed that the delegation of each nation is not wearing the athletic garb as has been seen in the past. Instead they are wearing something similar to a sportcoat and pants. They each have a more dignified look as they walk in during the parade of nations.
Well, that's my short and possibly boring commentary on what I see and my thoughts of this evening as I watch the opening ceremonies. Oh, and before I call it an end to my post tonight, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! Oh and one more thing...GO USA!!!

God Bless us all,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wow, I am blogging...

Well, I am finally on the web other than the website my wife and I share for our adoption journey with I am new to this blogging thing and just thought that I would make an attempt at it. It is just a place for my thoughts. Oh, and do I dare say feelings? Men aren't supposed to have feelings, right? Not!! We do have feelings but as the conventional wisdom or thought processes of others state that we men are supposed to be strong, stoic, and unfeeling. Sorry if I am flying in the face of conventional wisdom, but we have feelings and the funny part is that we do occasionally express them. Er, at least some of them. So yeah, this will be my thoughts and feelings (which is only Well enough about my blog reasons.

So, what do I blog about, hmmm...oh yeah. My wife and I are in the process of an international adoption from China. We started this in January 2006, when we started the paperchase to compile our dossier. Which by the way, was sent in March 2007, so that is when our wait started. We will name our little princess Robin Therese. That's the jist of it, for more info visit our page at the website above. Just type Robin for the first name and Margroff for the last name and read more about our journey there. I won't go into anymore details here about that. Anyhow, we are waiting and Lord willing, the wait will either come down or we will not notice the rate at how fast or slow it moves. There are frustrating moments and there are also joyous moments. At any rate we keep faith in the Lord that the perfect little princess will be "matched" to us by a Social Welfare Institute or SWI (as they are called in China) official. We call them orphanages. I write "matched" that is what is done, although it seems inconceivable to me how a caucasian couple's attributes or features can be matched with an Asian child's. As we were informed is the practice of Chinese officials in SWI's, by our social worker Denice, that did our homestudy. The whole process of the paperwork, the wait, receiving the referral (which probably won't happen for a little over a year as of this posting), and then traveling to get our little princess Robin is so unreal. Of course Karen and I cannot wait, but we are always asking those in our small circle of friends and family to keep us in their prayers. If you happen to be reading this, to do the same for us. The prayers that I ask for are not that the wait go by faster because I wouldn't want life to race on by. I ask that your prayers are for patience and that the wait could possible come down some. I know that God has the perfect little girl picked out for us and the wait may be necessary for that little princess to be ready for us. I for one am not the most patient man (just ask and I really need your prayers. Oh, and thanks for stopping by to read this. I hope to be able to keep this up on a regular basis. So, stop and check to see when I put up another post. Hopefully within the week.

God Bless us all,
Bob :-)